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Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Feeding of the Five Thousand Andy Hoyle 21st July 2024 27.02 MB
Jesus is the bread of life
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Will we stand ..... Joel Horwood 7th July 2024 41.69 MB
Pray for Kings and all in authority
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God is a God of His Word Bill Ayers 9th June 2024 37.14 MB
Understanding who God is - in the beginning was the Word.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
What is the purpose of the Church? Joel Horwood 12th May 2024 38.1 MB
What is this Church here for? Revival starts with us.
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God does not forget His promises, He hasn't forgotten you. Steve Coare 28th April 2024 39.31 MB
He is patient, he's not slow in keeping his promises.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
God is Light Andy Hoyle 14th April 2024 30.87 MB
Are we willing to let His truth, His light into our lives to transform us.
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
A Word for the Church Wynne Goss 17th March 2024 59.82 MB
Wynne shares a word from the Lord for the Church Act 15: 13-17
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
There is more ... Stephen Perkins 3rd March 2024 22.98 MB
God's heart is open to us
Title Author Date Recorded File Size
Are your eyes totally fixed on Jesus? Wynne Goss 23rd July 2023 73.58 MB
The Woman at the Well
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